Welcome to Georgia Responds, Home of the Department of Public Health's Volunteers.
Effective medical response relies on volunteers. Volunteers need to be organized, pre-credentialed and ready to mobilize during both times of disaster and times of simple, clear community need. Whether you are a healthcare provider, administrative specialist, a retired professional - anyone ready to help in your community - Georgia needs you. Georgia Responds is the organization that serves as a gateway into Georgia's medical and volunteer health care programs. By signing up today, it's just a Click, Connect and Care away.
The State Emergency Registry of Volunteers in Georgia integrates government-sponsored local, regional and statewide volunteer programs to assist emergency response and public safety organizations during a disaster. It is part of a national initiative to coordinate and mobilize volunteers to respond to all types of emergencies.
Experience has proven that effective emergency response requires volunteers to be organized and pre-credentialed before a disaster or event occurs. This alleviates the issues associated with non-certified and spontaneous volunteers simply showing up at disaster sites. Under the SERVGA program, all volunteers are pre-certified and coordinated according to each event.
The Georgia Volunteer Health Care Program (GVHCP), of the Department of Public Health (DPH), provides Sovereign Immunity protection to licensed health care professionals who volunteer to treat uninsured individuals at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level. Our goal is to increase access to quality health care for underserved Georgians through volunteerism and state-sponsored liability protection. The benefits for volunteering for this program include continuing education credits, relationship building in your community and more importantly saving lives.